Goulandris Natural History Museum

Benefit: 20% discount at shop (except books - 10% discount )

Attraction Highlights

  • 2 centers in 1
  • Natural History Museum building
  • Gaia Center for Environmental Research & Education
  • Discount on entry and at store
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20% discount at shop (except books - 10% discount )

Address 14 Levidou & 100 Othonos Str Kifissia 14562
Phone +30 2108015871
Hours Tue-Fri: 09:00 - 14:30 (till 30 September); Sat & Sun: 10:00-15:01
Closed Days Evety Monday, at the official holidays and August
Website http://www.gnhm.gr

What to expect

The Museum's complex includes two interconnected buildings, the Goulandris Natural History Museum building and the Gaia Center for Enviromental Research & Education, both significant cultural centers devoted to the study, preservation, education and exhibitions.

Things to look out for

The Goulandris Natural History Museum is home to zoological, botanical, marine, rock, mineral and fossil specimens. The Gaia Center for Environmental Research & Education, provides the unique opportunity of its landscapes, flora and fauna via new interactive technologies and understand the impact of human activity on the environment.

Helpful Tips

Enjoy 4€ reduced entrance fee plus 20% discount at shop (except Books - 10% Discount)
Address 14 Levidou & 100 Othonos Str Kifissia 14562
Phone +30 2108015871
Hours Tue-Fri: 09:00 - 14:30 (till 30 September); Sat & Sun: 10:00-15:01
Closed Days Evety Monday, at the official holidays and August
Website http://www.gnhm.gr

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